Dual Occupancy Design Solution Projects

A dual occupancy occurs when your local Council grants a Town Planning Permit for two dwellings to occupy one lot of land. Some Victorian properties are more suitable for a dual occ subdivision while others may face some challenges. Can you dual occ your land? What is the most suitable design and planning solution for your property.


No two sites are alike unless they are side by side or share similar planning features like site orientation, frontage, depth, location of driveways, easements, onsite assets like sewer, front setbacks, vegetation on and on abutting land, slope, buildings on abutting properties and streetscape character to name just a few criteria to be analysed.

We take the above into consideration as well as other criteria like the zoning and planning overlays which may burden the land, check the property title for covenants and Section 173 restrictions and ascertain what type of development is possible on your land. Then only can we advise if you are ready to subdivide your land. Beware of some who promise the earth!

Our audit will provide you with an honest opinion of what your local council across Melbourne and surrounds may support.

We answer the following commonly asked questions:

​-How big will each unit be
-How many units can you build
-How many stories will they be- single, double storey or higher than two levels and
-What can you build in my backyard

​We give you a bandwidth of risk and certainty. Of course we design for the maximum knowing well Council may ask it be pared back. At least you then know both of us tried for the max!


Anyone can design a house. But will that dual occupancy or town house design meet the Council guidelines, planning policy and the relevant sections of the Planning Scheme? You need to choose between the average designer/ architect or someone who has a background in both architecture and town planning and will custom design to suit the site.

​Our founder will oversee the site analysis, strategic planning, overall architecture and design with a hands on approach and modify the layout till you are satisfied under the limitations of planning controls.

​Our founder managed hundreds of successful town planning permits from most councils across Melbourne and surrounds. You can benefit from that valuable planning and design experience. He developed his own dual occupancy and understands what is involved with site selection, design and battling the local council for a good outcome.

​We will design to your brief and preferences- whether you desire a contemporary look and feel with a big budget or a traditional design to suit most budgets. Our designs encourage access to natural light, ventilation and materials which provide thermal and accoustic comfort to the occupants.


Design and Town Planning go hand in hand. There are limitations on what each Council across Victoria will allow for a multi unit subdivision. Each parcel of land have their design preferences and planning restrictions set by planning policies.

After you are satisfied with the preliminary design- where we usually “stretch the boundaries”, knowing full well Council have a habit of making designs and footprints smaller, we commence on the Town Planning documentation.

​There are multiple drawings required by Council plus written reports which we do in-house.We can do the ESD report, which is becoming more popular with a growing number of Councils and the Water Sensitive Urban Design if needs be. We prefer to hand it over to other professionals.

​Some sites require special reports to satisfy the planning overlays that may burden your land or require special driveway design. We can recommend the appropriate consultants who should be involved with your project- like the Traffic Engineer, an Arborist or heritage consultant and others and we co ordinate the work.


The preparation of working drawings by our registered draftsmen defines basic structural aspects and finishes deemed to comply with the provisions of the Building Code of Australia. The drawings provide details of all doors, windows, roof construction, dimensions, site works and also detail specific connections or construction techniques.